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and Relational Trauma
Toxic Relationships
Discipline Problems
Controlling Behaviors
Our Classes are specifically designed to teach you how to recognize and heal the following in yourself and those you love:
Whether you feel your family/marriage/life is completely broken and you need a lot of help to heal extensive trauma, o you simply need a little guidance in strengthening something already healthy, our classes teach you how to develop Vulnerability and heal the real reason of why we hurt, manipulate, and betray those we love. You will create a LASTING CHANGE to HEAL your marriage, your family, and your life.
Our Classes cover 4 areas of Healing and Growth:

Heal and Strength the Marriage

Raise Resilient Children

Heal Addiction and Relational Trauma

Personal Development
Our In-Person Program and Virtual Program have 3 Stages and include 58 Classes:
Classes in Stage 1

Create Healthy Connections
Learn about the importance of creating healthy connections with others–the positive effects it has on our brain development and the negative effects caused by lack of Secure Attachment. Identify which of the 4 Styles of Attachment is your dominant style, and learn how to begin to develop a Secure Attachment with those you love.

The Triangle of Drama
If we were never taught how to connect through Secure Attachment, we usually connect in an unhealthy way through the roles found in the Drama Triangle. Identify which role you usually prefer to play out, and learn how to recognize when you step into the Drama.

Alone in the Triangle of Drama
We use the Drama Triangle to connect with ourselves in an unhealthy way. Learn to recognize when, and why, you enter the Drama Triangle with yourself. Entering the Drama Triangle allows us to develop and maintain addictions and other unhealthy behaviors–learning to identify when we are playing out the Drama Triangle within ourselves is key to healing those behaviors.

All or Nothing
“I never…” “You always…” “Forever” “Never” “Everytime” All or Nothing thinking and language is one of the biggest red flags to let us know we have entered the Drama Triangle. All or Nothing thinking and behaviors can easily become our dominant way of processing situations and emotions; often leaving us feeling like helpless victims within our own lives.

By Small and Simple Things
Many people claim to have, or spend their lives searching for, the “magic pill” that will “heal” their broken marriage/life/family. That one big drastic thing they can do or change to finally be “happy.” This All or Nothing thinking prevents us from growing and from creating real change in our lives. Real change comes from the consistent, small, daily, simple things we do. Throughout the Program we will learn many simple tools that, if consistently put into practice, will indeed create the healing and change you desire.

Be Emotionally Complete
Learn to recognize and allow yourself to feel all your fundamental emotions. Learn which emotions the brain labels as “dangerous” and why. Learning how to recognize, allow, and express emotions is the first step to mastering Vulnerability, and being able to connect through Secure Attachment.

Anger is Good
What is anger? Why do we feel angry? Why is anger an important emotion? Many of us grow up being taught that feeling angry is inherently “bad.” Learn how to retrain your brain to allow anger, recognize what it is teaching you, and use it for its essential purposes.

Discover Reality
Learn to process your emotions and thoughts in a healthy way. Identifying what is real and what is not real will allow you to connect through Vulnerability, as well as heal Addictions and Relational Trauma.

Live in Reality
Now that we know how to recognize what is Real and what is not Real, we will learn how to live in that Reality. When we don't know how to process ours, and others, emotions we are trapped in the Drama Triangle and spent the rest of our lives revolving around, yet never fixing, our problems. This class is key to learning true Vulnerability. If you are working on healing an Addiction, healing a broken marriage, regaining lost trust, learning to discipline and raise your children, or healing your own Relational Trauma, this class is absolutely essential.

Be Happy in and Unhappy World
What brings true joy and how do we cultivate it? Why do so many of us struggle with feeling unhappy? Learn the skills necessary to not only allow yourself to be happy, but to share your light with those around you.

Free Yourself from the Drama
Learn how to finally free yourself from the chains and pain that come with the Drama of being a Persecutor, Victim, or Rescuer. We will learn how to put into use, in real life, the many tools and skills we have learned in the Program up to this point.

Help Others Free Themselves from the Drama
Freeing ourselves from the Drama Triangle allows us to teach and help others. Learn the steps to help others leave the Drama Triangle, even when they are scared to do so. Learn how to react in a healthy way to those who refuse to leave the Drama.

Personal Empowerment
We all want to feel powerful, in control of ourselves, and confident in our lives. Learn the skills necessary to live congruent with who you really are.

Shame is the single most painful thing we can experience as humans. Why is it so painful? Learn why we experience Shame, how is effects the develop of our brain, and how is effects how we connect with others.

Erase My Shame
In this powerful class we learn how to identify and heal our shame. This class, although painful, is usually a favorite since confronting and healing our shame is often the turning point in our healing process.

Lean Into the Pain
Growth is incredibly scary and painful. Learn about the importance of living Congruent with what you learn and HOW to do that.
Classes in Stage 2

The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it is Vulnerability. The healthy way to connect is through Vulnerability. A key step to healing Relational Trauma is Vulnerability. Vulnerability is the true base for healthy connection and healthy living. Learn what true Vulnerability is, and how to develop and use it.

What Does Vulnerability Look Like in Real Life?
Things often make sense on paper, but fall apart when we try to figure out how to actually use it in our real lives. How do I use Vulnerability to connect with people in my life who I feel uncomfortable sharing my feelings with? How do I use Vulnerability with people who are angry at me, or don't want to connect with me? Learn how to address these worries, and how to use Vulnerability as a PROTECTION against pain inflicted by others.

Anxiety and Depression
Why do so many of us struggle with Anxiety and Depression? You are not alone, and your situation is not hopeless. Learn the skills necessary to recognize why you have Anxiety/Depression and how to cope in a real way that will bring peace and healing.

Learn what true Humility is and how to develop it. Learn what Pride is and how it effects the development of our brain, as well as how it impedes our growth. Humility is one of the key skills we must develop in order to heal Addictions, Relational Trauma, and create Secure Attachment.

Learn the real reason why people lie and how we can stop the damaging behavior of dishonesty in our own lives. Dishonesty is the principal, and most painful, cause of Relational Trauma. Trust built through complete and total honesty is a non-negotiable part of creating healthy relationships. Learn the tools that will allow you to embrace honesty.

Our brains create and accept labels as a way to keep us safe. However, these labels damage the development of our brain, as well as prevent us from growing. Identify what primary Label you took on yourself as a child, and what Labels you still hold on to. Learn how to recognize when you label your own children or others in your family, and how to stop doing it.

Use Faith as a Weapon
Faith is much more than just a religious belief. Faith is the principle of action that governs everything we do and accomplish in life. Learn how to use that action and power to your advantage, to be able to start putting into practice tools for your healing and growth that you previously have been unable to master.

The Art of Surrendering
Creating a relationship with your God is essential to healthy living. You do not, and cannot, understand and control everything in your life. Simply saying you “Surrender to God” is not effective, nor is it real. Learn how to actually put this tool into practice in your daily life, and how to use it effectively.

Maintain a Healthy Life Over the Long Run
Learning skills and acquiring tools for your healing and growth means nothing if you don’t understand how to use them consistently and daily over the long term. In this class you will learn how to create new habits that allow you to maintain healthy living through your life.

Live on Purpose
Do you know where you are going in life? Do you know who you are and what you want to become? Having a clear purpose and plan for your life is essential if you hope to be happy and feel peace. If you don’t know where you want to go, it doesn’t really matter where you go, does it? Learn to identify, and stay true to, who you want to be.

Addictions are extremely common. Psychologists agree that around 80% of people have some type of addiction. Learn what addiction is and how to recognize it. To truly heal an addiction you must heal the root of WHY you developed an addiction. If you don’t heal that root, then you are simply “white knuckling it,” or replacing your addictive behavior with another “less damaging” addictive behavior. Throughout the Program we teach you how to actually heal this root and how to be in TRUE recovery.

Addictions are extremely common. Psychologists agree that around 80% of people have some type of addiction. Learn what addiction is and how to recognize it. To truly heal an addiction you must heal the root of WHY you developed an addiction. If you don’t heal that root, then you are simply “white knuckling it,” or replacing your addictive behavior with another “less damaging” addictive behavior. Throughout the Program we teach you how to actually heal this root and how to be in TRUE recovery.

Relational Trauma and Healing
Relational Trauma is caused when one experiences trauma because of a break in trust in a relationship. Infidelity, abuse, addictions, and dishonesty are the main causes of Relational Trauma. Relational Trauma causes PTSD and damages the function of the brain. Learn how to recognize and truly heal your Relational Trauma.

Playing out the roles of Victim and/or Rescuer in the Drama Triangle is one of the most common forms of Codependency. Learn how to recognize your own Codependency, how to distinguish Serving from Rescuing, and how to react in a healthy way to the Codependent behaviors of others.

Creating Safety
Those we love the most are often the ones we hurt the deepest. In this class we will accumulate all the tools we have learned so far and learn how to put them in use in real life so we can create emotional safety for those we have hurt. The skills learned in this class create a deep and lasting turning point in our marital and parental relationships.

For those who have experienced Relational Trauma, those who often play out the Drama role of Rescuer or Victim, or those who struggle with Addictions, this class brings a deep sense of peace and empowerment. We are often afraid to set up Boundaries because we believe they will hurt others, when in reality our lack of Boundaries is what actually hurts them. Learn why Boundaries are important, how to identify which Boundaries to put into place, and how to fulfill them.

"What Lack I Yet?"
I have learned so much, why can’t I make it “work?” What am I still lacking? We are often so hard on ourselves when we are honestly trying, yet feel we are failing. Learn how to change your perspective from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset.
Classes in Stage 3

Win her/his Heart Time and Time Again
We often forget to “fall in love” with our spouse and our children on a daily basis. Learn the importance of activity seeking our loved one’s hearts each day, and how to do it. Learn how to effectively communicate your needs for love and affection to others.

Using Gratitude to Heal Pain
Gratitude is vastly underestimated, and misunderstood by most. Learn why Gratitude is so essential and how the lack of it effects our ability to connect. Learn how to use this powerful tool to save relationships with those who are afraid of you, angry at you, refuse to forgive you, or no longer trust you.

Love Myself Enough to Love Others
You only have the capacity to love others as much as you allow yourself to love yourself. Many find it very difficult to create a true relationship based on love and respect for themselves. Learn the tools needed to not only love yourself, but to like yourself as well–to not be bothered by your weaknesses and failures–and to not expect, or desire, perfection from yourself.

Personal Finances
Learning to organize and maintain a budget and financial plan is essential to a healthy relationship with yourself and others in your home. Finances are a joint effort by everyone living in the home and should be treated as such. Learn how to budget effectively, how to get out of debt, how to stay out of debt, and how to include every member of the family in the Family Finances.

Healthy Recreation
“Man is that he might have joy.” Life is not to be simply endured, but rather enjoyed to its fullest. Having fun together can heal much in a damaged relationship if done in a healthy and uplifting way. On the other hand, it can be devestating to even strong relationships is done in an unhealthy way. Learn how to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy Recreation, and how to include it in your daily life.

Discovering My True Self Through Genealogy
Knowing where you came from and what your roots are gives balance and meaning to our lives. Sharing the stories of our ancestors with our children and others not only reaffirms to ourselves an innate sense of connection, but also allows us to learn from the experiences of those who have gone before us.

The Hero and the Damsel in Distress
The “world” has pushed on us for centuries what the ideal “man” and “woman” are, and what it means to be male and female. In this class we break through the lies that prevent us from fulfilling our true roles as men and women. We learn what it means to be a true man and what it means to be a true woman, and how to find joy and fulfillment in those roles.

Being Good at Failing
Opportunities for failure are one of the best gifts you can give your children and yourself. Failure is not a negative thing. Learn why this is true and how to create a mentality that finds joy, not fear, in failure.

Stabilize Your Family--No More Teeter Totter
Identify if your family is open or close, if it is enmeshed or disconnected, and if it is ridgid or chaotic. Learn how to balance your family dynamic and how to create an environment that nurtures Secure Attachment. Also learn how to heal if your family of Origin did not nurture a Secure Attachment.

They Will Know Where Home Is
As parents we are often so afraid of our children hating us and wanting to leave us that we swing between extremes of enmeshed and disconnected parenting. Learn how to be consistent in a healthy parenting model and how to know what to do when a wayward child no longer desires to connect with you.

How to Stop Family Contention
Learn why children fight, and how to help them foster caring and uplifting relationships with each other. Learn how to react to their fighting in a healthy way so that an environment of growth and teach, not of shame, is established in the home.

Teaching Resilience
How do we teach our children, whether they are young or already grown, how to confront challenges in their lives and be successful in processing their emotions and thoughts? How do we teach them to love themselves, respect others, and to be persistent in their endevours? How do we prevent them from giving up when their life is hard? Learn the tools to teach yourself and your children these vital skills.

Healthy Discipline
When we discipline we often base it on passing our shame to others. Learn how to discipline in a healthy way so you are TEACHING, not SHAMING. Learn how to discipline, and speak to yourself in the same loving way.

How to Teach Difficult Children
Whether your child has been diagnosed as autistic, has defiant tendencies, or you simply feel overwhelmed with how to react to certain behaviors–whether your child is young or grown–being a parent is hard! Learn how to react in a healthy way that invites an environment of safety, peace, growth, and learning for you, your child, and those around you.

Reaching My Divine Potential
You have a Divine Potential much greater than you assume. You are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. Learn who you are and what your true potential is. Learn how to utilize all the tools you have learned throughout the Program to continue your healing and growth through the rest of your life.

Finding Peach in Growth
We often so badly want to be perfect. Learn how to find peace in your imperfection and joy along your lifelong path of growth. Learn how to recognize “red flags” to warn you of unhealthy behaviors and relationships. Learn how to answer for yourself the questions “At what point do I give up?” and “What do I do when I don’t know what to do anymore?”